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Adjust Settings of Fuses
780 5
henwen 7 years ago
Hi to everyone, is it possible to adjust the settings of fuses. For my purpose, i need a fuse 200mA/ 8 Ohm. I started looking in the libraries, but could not find one single fuse, which i can modify. Lg Philipp
andyfierman 7 years ago
Is this for a simulation or a schematic that is to be passed into PCB?
henwen 7 years ago
Hi, no it`s only for simulation. Lg Philipp
henwen 7 years ago
Hi, i found a fuse out of the spice miscallenius folder. The Amperemeter in the same folder did not work for simulation. It´s a general problem. Whenever i try using parts of the library- they don´t work for simulating. Only parts of the turorials and example work or get compiled. It´s so frustrating...
henwen 7 years ago
Hi, now i picked an ammeter, which belongs to subfolder user contributions and it worked. I just don´t get it.
andyfierman 7 years ago
Hi Henwen, Welcome to EasyEDA. Sorry that you seem to be having trouble with finding and using some of the Spice components. Please see: Also: **Simple Fuse Demo** in: There's a demonstration of the Ammeter here:
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