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Advice on building a PCB
869 5
Terry Simms 6 years ago
Hi I'm fairly new to electronics, but I have done small projects in the past and I am looking for some help on a PCB I want to build. **The Project:** Christmas tree light switch-on using an Arduino Nano and a Relay module to switch the 240V supply to individual sockets (5 in total, all LED, drawing not much more than 1A each). **Aim:** I currently have a working circuit and it works, but I would like to streamline the setup and move the electronics from a perfboard to a PCB. I am powering all of the low-voltage electronics using a 12VDC wall socket, which is currently supplying a [5V breadboard power supply module]( and the 12V needed for the [light on the switch]( * 5V is supplying the Arduino Nano * 5V is supplying the [8-channel opto-isolated relay]( I have designed a PCB using the EasyEDA building tools and wondered if anyone would be kind enough to pass their learned eyes over it to see if I have missed anything or if I'm doing something horribly wrong. [Circuit Diagram and PCB]( Thank you in advance. Edit: URL
andyfierman 6 years ago
@Terry, Sorry but your link does not point to your project. This does: []( Please have a careful read through (2), (4), (5) and (6) of: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Welcome\_to\_EasyEDA\-31e1288f882e49e582699b8eb7fe9b1f](
andyfierman 6 years ago
Why not choose polarised electrolytic caps for C1, C2 and C3 that are already available from LCSC> C1 needs to be at least 16V preferrably 25V rated whilst C2 and C3 must be at least 10V rated. Beef up the supply traces or better still use copper areas for them.
Terry Simms 6 years ago
@Andy Hi, and thank you for responding, I am grateful for the advice. I will take some time to look through the information you have provided As for the caps, I was intending to use electrolytic, however, I may have not put the right item on the diagram and I will change that shortly.
andyfierman 6 years ago
@tfesimms, It's important to understand that: 1. A PCB as the physical realisation of the circuit drawn in a Schematic; 2. Conversely, the Schematic is a diagram that captures all the information that is necessary to design a complete PCB. This helps focus the attention on why It's important to get all the info represented in the schematic right first. Get that right and then when you convert to PCB, all you have to do is place the components and route the tracks. Converting to PCB with an incomplete schematic is only a good plan if you haven't got enough stress in your life already. :)
Terry Simms 6 years ago
@Andy I have been reading through the information you provided and have altered the Circuit Diagram accordingly. I have not proceeded with the PCB yet, to make sure the the diagram is correct before moving forward. Regards Terry
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