I'm fairly new to electronics, but I have done small projects in the past and I am looking for some help on a PCB I want to build.
**The Project:**
Christmas tree light switch-on using an Arduino Nano and a Relay module to switch the 240V supply to individual sockets (5 in total, all LED, drawing not much more than 1A each).
I currently have a working circuit and it works, but I would like to streamline the setup and move the electronics from a perfboard to a PCB. I am powering all of the low-voltage electronics using a 12VDC wall socket, which is currently supplying a [5V breadboard power supply module](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Breadboard-Power-Supply-Module-3-3V-5V-Arduino-Raspberry-PI-Bread-Board-MB102/262596966093?epid=20008884345&hash=item3d23ffb6cd:g:z98AAOSwE9JZ4fAf) and the 12V needed for the [light on the switch](https://www.proto-pic.co.uk/big-dome-push-button.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI653TqunH1wIVgQvTCh0uVgE-EAQYBiABEgIyovD_BwE).
* 5V is supplying the Arduino Nano
* 5V is supplying the [8-channel opto-isolated relay](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/5V-1-2-4-8-Channel-Relay-Board-Module-for-Arduino-Raspberry-Pi-ARM-AVR-DSP-PIC/252051910091?epid=1142373430&hash=item3aaf76edcb:m:mdbiogK3bG3MfWb_sjDpLvw)
I have designed a PCB using the EasyEDA building tools and wondered if anyone would be kind enough to pass their learned eyes over it to see if I have missed anything or if I'm doing something horribly wrong.
[Circuit Diagram and PCB](https://easyeda.com/tfesimms/relay-pcb)
Thank you in advance.
Edit: URL