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All SMT components are in the wrong direction (rotated 180°)
746 4
Arthur LAURENT 4 years ago
As you can see on this screenshot and mostly on the transistors, all components are placed in the wrong direction, they are all rotated by 180°. I choosed the SMT to be done on the back of the PCB and it looks like some components are placed like if they were seen from the front of the PCB. Is this a bug with the preview or is there a real issue here ? Thank you ! ![image.png](//
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
Copy to @[UserSupport]( Hello There are some methods to solve this issue: 1、modify pick and place file rotation manually, and then re-upload. 2、re-assign a correct 0 orientation package(you can find a new one or edit official pcblib save as yourself lib) manually at the schematic, and update to PCB, re-export the pick and place file and re-upload.  []( 3、waiting for EasyEDA update all SMT part, that will take a long time. please report error when you met these issue: []( 4、waiting for JLCPCB support to modify the rotation when ordering, that will take a long timeThanks
Arthur LAURENT 4 years ago
How is that possible ? I am using basic components, am I the only one rotating my components ??
Arthur LAURENT 4 years ago
All of those solutions are extremely time consuming. Even if I change the rotation manually in the Pick and place CSV, if I need to modify something I have to redo all the work. This is crazy !
UserSupport 4 years ago
You must know that, a lot of datasheet doesn't have 0 rotation for the tape for the part, when EasyEDA engineers draw the packages will follow the image or experience when they can't get the correct datasheet !then you will met this problem. and we already starting to check the orentation for the SMT parts, it is continue updating the correct rotation package now. SMT parts over 30 thousand, that need some time. There are some methods to solve this issue: 1、modify pick and place file rotation manually 2、re-assign a correct 0 orentation package(you can find a new one or edit officail pcblib save as yourself lib) mauanlly at the schemactic, and update to PCB, re-export the pick and place file. 3、waiting for EasyEDA update all SMT parts' package, that will take some time 4、waiting for JLCPCB support to modify the rotation on the web, that function will take a long time Thanks
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