**Feature Request**
Brief title for your desired feature: An attribute which prevents the auto-router from deleting tracks before it starts
How would you like the feature to work?
Among other attributes of a track, a new attribute, possibly named "Locked" or "Sticky" could be added, which if set to "ON", would prevent the autorouter from deleting the track before it starts.
This attribute's function could be combined with the "Lock objects" feature request: https://easyeda.com/forum/topic/Lock_component_location_on_PCB-BtnFXR9rI
Why is this feature important to you?
Many times, it is important that some tracks go a specific way and they must be manually drawn. Then, for the rest of the routes where it doesn't matter where they go, the autorouter can continue. The autorouter must not modify tracks which are locked like this.