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Annotate symbol to show that the footprint requires placement of more than one physical component.
2165 1
andyfierman 3 years ago
At the moment, a Schematic Symbol and its associated PCB Footprint is assumed to be for a single component or device. The headers for modules like the ESP-32, WEMOS D1 or the Teensy 4.0 and so on are made up of two separate single row pin header strips and not as a single item such as the double row sockets like those used for example for 40 pin DIP devices. At the moment there is no easy way to make a Schematic Symbol that can call up two separate components in the BOM and indicate that the Footprint requires more than one physical component to be fitted to the board. The process I described in: [](<br> <br> deals with this problem but is quite complicated and difficult to follow. For anyone having trouble following the procedure then the simplest option may be to just place the symbol for the module on the schematic which will pull the associated footprint into the PCB. Then manually edit the BOM to show that two single row headers must be bought as well as the WEMOS D1 module and that the headers must be fitted to the board and not the module itself. Alternatively, the attributes for the symbol in the Schematic can be edited to show the supplier information for the required header in the BOM and then a second, duplicated set of supplier information is added to the symbol to show a second identical header to indicate that two headers are required. Neither of these two solutions are very clear and error proof. It would be good if some way could be introduced to easily annotate the symbol to clearly show that the footprint is made up from - and therefore requires the placement of - more than one physical component on the PCB.
marceljoseph 1 year ago
Yes, please address this use-case! If you have a part with two sub-parts, and each sub-part has a footprint that is specified as "Add into BOM", then the BOM and pick-and-place files should contain both LCSC parts.
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