You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Annotation shouldn't repartion multiple op-amps or logic gates
846 9
MikeDB 4 years ago
I used the annotate feature to renumber parts from left to right on a schematic.  There were several dual op-amps deliberately paired up to ease layout but Annotation changed the pairing.  I don't think it should do this - just renumber both parts of the pairing to the same new number.
UserSupport 4 years ago
images? does the multiple parts have the same name and other attributes?
MikeDB 4 years ago
Yes they are all TL072s (C6961).   They are put in pairs but when I annotate it swaps the pairs to use ones from left to right.
UserSupport 4 years ago
This part not the multi-part, ![图片.png](//
MikeDB 4 years ago
No I use the multipart.  The symbol you show is the wrong way of drawing the TL072.   Please see the TL072 datasheet.
andyfierman 4 years ago
@MikeDB , Can you post some screenshots of  before and after showing the affected symbols on their respective sheets?
MikeDB 4 years ago
@andyfierman Before : ![image.png](//
MikeDB 4 years ago
Sorry forget that one -wrong one ![image.png](//
MikeDB 4 years ago
And after annotation the two precision rectifiers are now in different packages ![image.png](//
UserSupport 4 years ago
Got it. it is an issue, we will fix it Thanks
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