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Another +1 to Add .Step file support for 3d.
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Andrew Jorgensen 4 years ago
I know I've heard this is being worked on. I just wanted to add my thoughts in hopes it helps influence the outcome. Probably more to settle my frustration though if I am being honest. I do professional product design work, and spend a lot of time in various CAD programs. So far ironically EasyEDA is the fastest tool for completing my prototype PCBs that go in my projects. Eagle, KiCad. Are way overpowered, and overly complicated for the vast majority of my PCB work that goes in to consumer products. The EasyEDA/JLCPCB assembly and manufacturing service is just sooooooooo fast and straightforward. That being said. The one aggravating frustration about EasyEDA is that it doesn't support .Step format for importing 3d models for the 3d libs, and that you can't export a 3d model of your PCB. I get around this typically by exporting a dxf of the board, and then hunt down 3d models, or quickly build from scratch. Please please please switch to a model similar to Fusion360/Eagle or KiCad for 3d viewing and exporting. I just want a simple .Step export feature for my boards & components so that I can quickly drop them into my mechanical CAD package like I can with KiCad or Eagle and be done with it. And sure I can extrude a simple version of the dxf export of my board. But many times component placement is vital to the mechanical design that goes around the board, not just the general shape of the board. All that being said is there any time frame on any of the updated 3d features? I would easily drop $10 - $20 a month to have this feature in a pro-edition.
Aivan 4 years ago
I would like to have this as well, because most 3d models that I download are in .step format.
lynxlabeling 4 years ago
Yes, please add .step format. It is the industry standard for 3d models. This feature should be top priority.
sundbyk 3 years ago
I agree, need this to keep using EasyEDA. 3D designer are giving me a hard time because of this missing feature.
markoverbancic 3 years ago
I agree. Would it be possible to receive an update from the EasyEDA team on whether this feature is coming soon?
Ferit Ozan Akgul 3 years ago
STEP export would be an invaluable asset for EasyEDA. Current OBJ file export does not translate well into step files, it needs to go thru many hoops and even the most advanced CAD tools (autocad, fusion 360, freecad, rhino 3d) cannot handle OBJ files exported from EasyEDA when it comes to conversion.
Ferit Ozan Akgul 3 years ago
STEP export would be an invaluable asset for EasyEDA. Current OBJ file export does not translate well into step files, it needs to go thru many hoops and even the most advanced CAD tools (autocad, fusion 360, freecad, rhino 3d) cannot handle OBJ files exported from EasyEDA when it comes to conversion.
Lesliev 3 years ago
I fully agree and support the request. Is there any chance this ability to export Step files will ever be implemented as it is clear there are many who have asked for it and who support EasyEDA and the request has been in place for some time? Do the EasyEDA staff even monitor these forum articles and if so how about a response?  Even a simple “it will never happen” or a “we are working on it” would at least let us users know you have seen our request!
Dario Maccagnan 3 years ago
fully agree, copy and paste, would be a great step forward. let us know please.
andyfierman 3 years ago
STEP file export is supported in the Pro version: [](
Jim | JDT Engineering 2 years ago
@andyfierman Unfortunately it does not work. It creates 15 byte files that of course do not contain the actual 3D information.
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