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Are tNames and bNames printed on the PCB?
1730 5
tinkerBOY 7 years ago
Im about to order my first PCB and reading [How to generate Gerbel files from Eagle][1] right now. My question is, will the tNames and bNames be printed on the pcb? Because when i click on "Silk Bottom" and "Silk Top" tabs on Eagle these two, tNames and bNames are selected along with the usual tPlace and bPlace. Can I just un-select these two so they won't be printed? [1]:
andyfierman 7 years ago
You can upload your Gerbers to EasyEDA however you are asking questions about the Gerbers generated from Eagle that are probably better asked in the Eagle forums before you upload them to EasyEDA. Thanks.
tinkerBOY 7 years ago
I was generating gerber files from the file on the link that easyeda provides.
andyfierman 7 years ago
`My question is, will the tNames and bNames be printed on the pcb? Because when i click on "Silk Bottom" and "Silk Top" tabs on Eagle these two, tNames and bNames are selected along with the usual tPlace and bPlace. Can I just un-select these two so they won't be printed?` But you are asking about what happens to the `tNames`, `bNames`, `tPlace` and `bPlace` elements (which are part of the original Eagle files) when you click on `Silk Bottom` and `Silk Top` tabs in the Eagle package, not in EasyEDA. If you can explain the relationship between these elements in Eagle and the component outline and the Prefix (a.k.a. reference designator) parts in EasyEDA PCB footprints then we can offer better advice. * If you want to experiment then the simplest thing to do is to export two versions of your Eagle Gerber file package. One with these elements selected, one without. Then open each set of Gerbers using something like the FOSS gerbv package: or the EasyEDA Gerber Viewer:!id=de0a8b7dbda411e79ed5026a86b9cae7 and see which settings give what you want in the output Gerber file set.
tinkerBOY 7 years ago
Thank you! Got my first pcb. :)
tinkerBOY 7 years ago
![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20171116/5a0d0174c7729.JPG
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