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Arranging parts in PBC using API javascript code
375 4
Yariv Hashai 3 years ago
Hello, I'm having a board with some components, leds and capacitors. all the leds has a prefix with running numbers 1-200 and related capacitors with prefix of c1-c200 I searched for the API code for rotating and moving parts: `api('rotate', {ids:["gge2","gge3"],degree:90});` And for moving: `api('moveObjsTo', {objs:["gge2","gge3"], x: api('coordConvert', {type:'real2canvas',x: '10mm'}), y: api('coordConvert', {type:'real2canvas',y: '10mm'})});`<br> <br> <br> The issue is that I don't know how to get the mapping between the IDs into the prefix, I was trying to rotate and move it via prefix without any success. Does anyone familiar with how I can get the mapping between all my parts prefix to IDs? or moving parts via prefix?
andreasbernhofer 3 years ago
Hey, you do know about "Format" -> "Distribute array"? You can use it to distribute the components in a regular pattern. Or do you really need some arbitrary function based on the prefix? You can select e.g. all caps using the find function and the execute this: ``` js api('getSelectedIds').split(',').forEach((id)=>{ shape = api('getShape',{id: id}); console.log(shape); prefix = Object.entries(shape.TEXT).filter(t=>t[1].type=='P')[0][1].text; // do your stuff with prefix and id }) ``` Footprints are complex shapes. You can find the prefix via `Object.entries(shape.TEXT).filter(t=>t[1].type=='P')[0][1].text` which finds the TEXT of the footprint of type `P`. I'm sure there is a better function to get the prefix, but this is what came to my mind first ;)
andreasbernhofer 3 years ago
Okay\, sure\, there is a better way\.\.\. the find function ;\) \`console\.log\( api\('editorCall'\,\{cmd: 'findComponent'\, args: \['U1'\,'prefix'\]\}\)\.id \);\` Better use this to iterate over your components.
andreasbernhofer 3 years ago
Sorry, correct syntax: `console.log( api('editorCall',{cmd: 'findComponent', args: ['U1','prefix']}).id );`
Yariv Hashai 3 years ago
Amazing guys! thanks for the help!
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