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Asking again- snap to center pad: use SCREEN coordinates
521 4
martin 3 years ago
Please see attached. It is IMPOSSIBLE to lay a track or add a via near a pad if snap is on. The snap distance MUST use screen coordinates. Please don't tell me I can turn snap off. In the below image, I'm trying to add another via just left of the one at the extreme right of the GND pad. No matter how I zoom in, the via snaps to the center of the pad. ![Screen Recording 2021-03-28 at 11.26.43 AM.gif](//
andyfierman 3 years ago
I have just observed something unexpected. Obviously, if I turn off the grid snap then I can place a via anywhere I like. The unexpected bit is that _a via placed with grid snap off can still be moved without snapping after I have turned the grid snap back on again._ Any new vias snap as expected but not the ones placed with snap off.
andyfierman 3 years ago
Only just spotted that others have already found this behaviour... [](
martin 3 years ago
@UserSupport: pretty please? Can't be that hard a fix...
martin 2 years ago
Hello, bumping this again...
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