With the current version no new PCB with Auto Router finishes. Older PCB routed from 2019 or spring 2020 does very well also with the new version.
The current PCB 2 layer routing has no Vias. This is possibly the failure.
But even a simple 1 layer PCB doesn't get finished. Stuck with 50-60%
I use the local router 0.8.11, still current version since Autumn 2019.
Do only I have this problem ?
If there is a known issue, Which?
What I should deliver to solve the problem ?
<span class="colour" style="color: rgb(85, 85, 85);">Solved: in the EasyEDA:: Tools --> Set Board Outline</span>
It took me 1 week of checking, comparing with old versions, find out what is the difference and so on.
Then i read in the release notes that you chaged something with the outline editing. and i read the following comment:
andyfierman and another remarkable guy recommend to reset the board outline<span class="colour" style="color: rgb(85, 85, 85);">Thank you.</span>