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Auto-Router stop working after adding text on TopSilkLayer
735 8
TomPilot 4 years ago
This is the 2nd PCB with that bug. The Autorouter is working fine... but after adding text on the TopSilkLayer... the Autorouter "hangs". I've tried it with the latest Autorouter Version (downloaded today). I never can rescue the whole PCB. Everytime that happen, I have to create a new PCB from scratch! Thats very annoying. I've tested it also with the Online this bug is not happen. So it seems, that you are running a different version of the "Cloud" Autorouter as local Autorouters.
TomPilot 4 years ago
Ok, additional informations... Now all "NEW" created Projects have this bug! Old Projects are not infected by this bug! And, if you remove all placed additional Text on the TopSilkLayer, and you closed the App, and then Reopen it, ... then Autorouting is working again. Result: I can not add TopSilkLayer Text  to my new PCB Project! It would be nice I you can fix this bug asap. Thanks in advanced.
TomPilot 4 years ago
Again some hints: Autorouter is **not blocked**, if you select "TopLayer" as Text-Layer of the placed Text Element. Autorouter is **blocked,** if you select "BottomLayer", TopSilkLayer" and "BottomSilkLayer" as Text-Layer of the placed Text Element. Btw. also the Cloud Autorouter has this bug. And, only after you "saved" the PCB this will happen.
TomPilot 4 years ago
Can I roll back to an older version of the Client? Because I can not finished my new projects with this Bug... and I have to produce some PCBs in 2 days.
TomPilot 4 years ago
Solution... I've found a workaround: You have to place a Text-Element on "TopLayer". Then you can Place Text-Elements on the "TopSilkLayer" ... and the Autorouter is still working. This is a very strange bug.
Lorenzo Delana 4 years ago
Thanks you for sharing, using router v0.8.11 that still an issue, your workaround ( to place first a TopLayer text ) worked for me.
andyfierman 4 years ago
This probably hasn't been fixed because it's not listed as a Bug Report. See: [](
joanlluch 4 years ago
I have experienced the same exact bug. Pulling out my hair for days, remaking my projects from scratch just to eventually get to the same issue after some time, and so on. Very very frustrating and time consuming. Your proposed workaround works. That's indeed very very odd. This should be let known to developers, so they have a chance to fix it.
andyfierman 4 years ago
@joanlluch, That's why I posted this Bug Report: []( But that does beg the question of why do you need to place text _before_ running the Autorouter? If it's silkscreen text, it can be plalced as one of the last steps after tidying up after autorouting.
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