You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Auto Router suddenly started routing tracks on top of tracks
674 3
scalesr1 4 years ago
I have been using EasyEda for over a year now and have made many boards. Now, all of a sudden (apparently) I am seeing silly errors in track routing which result in DRC failures and I have failed to work out what I am doing wrong. It might be that I have made some bad changes to track width settings but I am not convinced. Here is one such problem whereby it has routed two nets on the same side and they cross! ![image.png](// Here are my track settings: ![image.png](// I have one special net track width as follows: ![image.png](// The AutoRouter I am using is v0.81 though I think that EasyEDA is now a newer version. Where should I be looking next? \*CHANGED TO BUG REPORT\* Richard
andyfierman 4 years ago
This look like a bug to me. Please change the category or repost as a Bug Report. Thanks.
byte_or_not_toByte 4 years ago
I am encountering the same exact issue !
byte_or_not_toByte 4 years ago
Always check the design manager tab to figure out if there are mistakes like these by the auto-router.
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