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Auto backup not working anymore - resolved - user error
336 3
mijnmodelbaan 4 years ago
Hi guys, The auto-backup function seems to be broken. I've put it on a 10 minute interval (first picture), which has worked (more or less) until 2 days ago, but yesterday it didn't work anymore (second picture). ![Annotation 2020-04-30 093127.png](// ![Annotation 2020-04-30 092353.png](// So after the problem I reported yesterday ( [Everything moves...]( ) I just wanted to go back to the previous backup and discovered that that function seems to be broken; I only have a backup from before all the changes I made and one from after the disaster, with all the components moved off the grid. BR//Willem.
UserSupport 4 years ago
Document Recovery is at here, it isn't document historical function, document historical is depends on your SAVE action. ![图片.png](//
mijnmodelbaan 4 years ago
Ok, if I understand correctly the 'Historical Records' contain the times and dates I saved _manually_ and 'Document Recovery' contains the _automatically_ saved dates and times AND the _maually_ saved dates and times. Wouldn't it be easier to keep this in one place and add a marker (A and H) to distinguis the types of saves ? So just tell me I have to RTFM. Thanks for the info though, I now have a better understanding. BR//Willem.
UserSupport 4 years ago
Yes, They will be add to one place in the new engine version.
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