You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Auto placement
1954 6
Guest 3 years ago
Awesome application. The automatic placement of my parts on the pcb was a shocking surprise. Convinced me this is my development toolbox addition. I could only find pretty graphics and symbols for standard full+ breadboards. I rejected other tools because manual placement of parts is tedious and practically impossible with my disability. Is there a way to actually have the application do that for me? Severe limitations make that difficult to do programmatically, I understand. Perhaps I should make a feature request.
andyfierman 3 years ago
Please see: [](<br> <br> To do a whole board do CTRL+A (Select All) then do CTRL+SHIFT+X. * Your PCB must have been saved before this will work.
Guest 3 years ago
Thanks so much for your response. It made me realize I did not properly state my question. My bad for being too succinct. I have a complex circuit that I managed to place and route quite easily inside a shape that can be then etched onto a PCB. That's the part that blew me away after struggling with 'other' tools. I did in 1 day what took me 1 month with other schematic capture wannabes. I think my question concerns autoplace and route on a permanent fixed structure like a breadboard. I believe your system can do that for me, I just don't know how. I see breadboard files out there but don't know how to connect the dots (no pun intended) to work them into my project. I'm missing something or not understanding the process. I'm a software guy pretending to create electronics. Thanks for your patience.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@GreyHobbyist, To be clear, EasyEDA is a Schematic Capture,  Simulation and PCB Design tool suite. When a correctly completed schematic is converted to PCB all the specified PCB Footprints and the circuit connectivity is pulled into a PCB with an estimated board outline. Footprints are not at this stage placed in any kind of useful layout into the pcb, they are placed in alphabetical prefix order below board outline. It has a very basic way to group symboks in the schematic and then place them within the PCB Editor in the same relative positions as in the schematic using the Cross Probe and Place tool but as described in documentation elsewhere,  the disposition of symbols in a schematic may bear little relationship with the required Footprint placement in the corresponding PCB. EasyEDA also has a basic Autorouter but it is difficult to get good results out of it and also as documented throughout the forum and even in EasyEDA's own Tutorial, manual routing is strongly recommended. EasyEDA is not directly suitable for designing layouts on strip or prototyping boards. It would be possible to do this but you would have to create pre-existing pcb layouts that represent the target strip or prototype connectivity in terms of copper strips and holes that were picked in place. Onto that you could then place components and connect them using the Connect Pad to Pad tool. You could not easily convert a schematic to a PCB and then place components onto your pre-assigned stripboard layout unless you manually edit the netnames to each strip to those of the schematic nets that you wish them to carry. Your schematic would also have to include all the wire links required to make the cross-connections on the strip board as symbols (in fact as zero ohm resistors) so you would have to constantly add them to the schematic and then update the PCB in order to keep the schematic up to date with the proto board layout in the PCB editor. If all you want to do is lay out prototype circuits on strip or proto boards you'd be far better off using the Free and Open Source
andyfierman 3 years ago
@GreyHobbyist, If on the other hand you want to build and test your prototypes on professional quality PCBs - that represent the end version and do not include all the parasitic and subsequent limitations and uncertainties that strip and proto boards add to circuit design - for a very low price, then you have come to the best place to do it. :) For more, please read all the linked documents in: [](
Guest 3 years ago
Ouch. It would appear that I am in way over my head with this tool. Sorry to have been a nuisance and someone who doesn't do appropriate research. Fritzing does everything I need it to do including schematic capture, breadboard layout, and PCB routing and creation, albeit no simulation capabilities. Auto placement is seemingly random and it's difficult to locate parts for manual placement. The result of your placement explanation made it look intelligent and I was fooled by the appearance. Back to Fritzing. Sorry for the intrusion.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@Guest, I wasn't trying to put you off, just to make sure you understood a bit more about the benefits and maybe from your usage point of view, limitations of EasyEDA. You can always come back to JLCPCB to have your boards made by uploading your Gerber files from Fritzing or whatever you decide to use. :)
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