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Auto route that doesn't work
5352 1
rb3rg 1 year ago
The pro version has left me very disappointed. I have over 50 PCBs developed in the standard version, some of which are quite large in size, so I was hesitant to try the pro version because it would be a nightmare to adjust everything to this new version. Anyway, we have to move on, so I had to design two new PCBs this week, so I tried the pro version to see how it went. Everything looks good in the schematics, and I converted some custom devices from the standard, etc. But the auto routing, pardon the pun, is a shambles. It simply does not work. It will not route 100% in a PCB that the standard does. We change the settings, but it does not follow and continues to work with the old ones. Calling this a "pro" version is a joke.
UserSupport 1 year ago
you can export the DSN to use thirty-part autorouter tool such as freerouting, the pro autorouting is under developing, it will be good at v2.3, it is hard then you think
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