You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Project reverted to an older version without my action
posted by jan019 , 8 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 8 months ago.
3511 2
I'll just keep reporting bugs until someone starts fixing them.
posted by pommie , 8 months ago. replied by pommie , 8 months ago.
3661 14
How to delete a project?
posted by pommie , 8 months ago. replied by pommie , 8 months ago.
327 5
bug: Adjusting 3D model rotation can't be done around Z-axis
posted by jah1964 , 8 months ago. replied by jah1964 , 8 months ago.
333 3
I cannot import 3D Model in EasyEDA pro desktop version.
posted by todoro , 8 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 8 months ago.
517 1
Can we get the filters in Place(P) fixed?
posted by pommie , 8 months ago. replied by pommie , 8 months ago.
410 5
Rotation bug in 3D model.
posted by pommie , 8 months ago. replied by pommie , 8 months ago.
343 6
EasyEDA Pro update not updating, file not available on server.
posted by JWSmythe , 9 months ago. replied by UserSupport , 9 months ago.
574 1
EasyEDA Pro Google Login Every App Open
posted by ByronAP , 9 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 9 months ago.
458 2
Linux app issues
posted by mcgiwer , 9 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 9 months ago.
412 1
100% disk usage bug
posted by legend069 , 9 months ago. replied by legend069 , 9 months ago.
386 2
[Pro] STEP export broken?
posted by Alakuu , 10 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 7 months ago.
578 3
3D Issues in 2.0.32 AGAIN
posted by s_fr , 10 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 10 months ago.
475 1
Export BOM is broken on the pro version
posted by onyx63670 , 10 months ago. replied by onyx63670 , 10 months ago.
514 4
EasyEDA pro issue
posted by oOoJuRuSoOo , 10 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 10 months ago.
362 2
[V2.0.31] STEP export stuck
posted by Luerl , 11 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 3 days ago.
1056 10
Hamid Moazed
3D Export only exports random subset of components
posted by Hamid Moazed , 11 months ago. replied by UserSupport , 11 months ago.
262 2
Importing Net Names from Schematic are messed up
posted by lynxlabeling , 11 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 11 months ago.
244 1
295 2
Web version error: No Permission or Project doest not exist
posted by SonNH , 1 year ago. replied by UserSupport , 10 months ago.
558 4
PRO: Find Similar Objects appears to not find Netlabels
posted by andyfierman , 1 year ago. replied by Calum22 , 1 year ago.
240 1
PCB Pads are treated as purchasable components
posted by cagriy , 1 year ago. replied by cjohnson , 1 year ago.
252 2
397 2
Peter Sellers
Solved Missing net in Design rules(Net Rule)
posted by Peter Sellers , 1 year ago. replied by Peter Sellers , 1 year ago.
276 4
clone pcb
posted by legend069 , 1 year ago. replied by Milek Smyk , 1 year ago.
551 2
Bugs with the library and copper polygons.
posted by mexanik240 , 1 year ago. replied by UserSupport , 1 year ago.
234 1
non-English named font cannot be imported
posted by _0x4d , 1 year ago. replied by _0x4d , 1 year ago.
300 1
imported projects don't have footprints.
posted by pommie , 1 year ago. replied by tp320 , 1 year ago.
430 6
My experience trying "pro" version:
posted by dreAn , 1 year ago. replied by pommie , 1 year ago.
355 1
如果需要转移工程请在个人中心 - 工程 - 工程高级设置 - 下载工程,下载后在 打开保存即可。
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