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Rotation bug in 3D model.
512 6
pommie 1 year ago
I have a board which is routed, ![image.png](// As can be seen the processor (Pic18F26K40 - ssop) is horizontal. When I generate a 3D version I get, ![image.png](// Which, as you can see, has the processor vertical but the pads are correct. Note the position (in both images) of C1 and C2. I also get this happening a lot - especially when trying to generate a 3D model, ![image.png](// Thanks,
haidy_easyeda 1 year ago
Hello, please check out this tutorial: [‍‌⁣⁡‬‍⁤⁡‬‬‌‌‌⁣‌⁢⁣‍⁤‌‌⁢⁢⁢‬⁡‬‍⁡⁣‌How can 3D models be resized, offset and rotated? - 飞书云文档 (](
pommie 1 year ago
But why isn't it correct as all the other components are?
haidy_easyeda 1 year ago
@pommie This is just a special case. It doesn't happen very often. This is probably for the convenience of library engineers when drawing 3d models.
pommie 1 year ago
Well tell them to fix this. Doesn't happen very often? Convenience? Next you'll be telling me it's a "Feature".
haidy_easyeda 1 year ago
@pommie Ok, I will feed back your comments, thank you.
pommie 1 year ago
And, another bug ignored.
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