You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
PCB Pads are treated as purchasable components
319 2
cagriy 1 year ago
Hello, Like most PCBs mine has PADs where connections terminate. The problem is that when I export to BOM, they come along as well. When I try to place an order things get messy. Is it possible to have the option to exclude Pads (or some parts in general) from BOM? Maybe similar to Set To Check, Set to Not Check buttons, or even don't export if something is set to Not Check. This would greatly simplify many people's workflows. Thanks, Ali
andyfierman 1 year ago
Can you post a link to an example public project that demonstrates this issue?
cjohnson 1 year ago
@andyfierman I think if you use the "commonly" library and add any of the through hole headers, he is getting through hole headers in the order screen. I have also had this happen, but expected it because I was adding a 4 pin header that I wasn't intending to populate during build. JLCPCB's order screen for assembly doesn't really "allow" you to easily choose "do not place"
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