You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
[V2.0.31] STEP export stuck
1056 10
Luerl 11 months ago
I import pcb from EasyEDA STD, and when export step 3d model it's stuck on 15%, in web also. When create new pcb  it's export correctly. I think it's because there are a lot of components on the PCB, but I have good hardware.![image.png](//![image.png](//
haidy_easyeda 11 months ago
Hello, if it is convenient, please send the problem project files to the following website, let us check ~[](
haidy_easyeda 10 months ago
Hello, I'm very sorry to tell you, we can also be found in you of the project the same problem, this should be a bug problem, we later to fix this problem and optimization, to inconvenience you I'm very sorry, you can try to reduce the number of components is could be successfully exported, hope my advice will bring you help ~
pascal_8778 9 months ago
Hello, the problem seems to still be there.... ![image.png](// I have only eight components, so it's not a lot 😔
UserSupport 9 months ago
@pascal_8778 please save as local for your project, and then send to []( we will have a look thanks
compras.neurobots 8 months ago
2 months from this and we're also still facing the same problem
UserSupport 8 months ago
@geraldo.gomes do you use v2.0.35?
compras.neurobots 7 months ago
Yes. v2.0.35
nilavghosh 4 months ago
Is this resolved now?
yuvalkedar 3 days ago
Same on my side. It doesn't work... I can only export OBJ
haidy_easyeda 3 days ago
@yuvalkedar Hello, are you using the professional version of easyeda? The professional version supports exporting files in STEP format.
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