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Can we get the filters in Place(P) fixed?
556 5
pommie 1 year ago
If I'm drawing a schematic the filters in Place don't do anything. This is such a glaring bug that I feel it must be something to do with the English Version and the developers haven't seen it. For example, say I'm looking for a Pic processor, I choose Pic18F in the search box and I get, ![image.png](// Note, 1600 items. I now select QFN-28 as the footprint I want and click Apply Filters. This is what I get, ![image.png](// Note, number of results hasn't changed and the first item is a PLCC-44. If these filters worked it would be much simpler for me to find what I want. Thanks.
haidy_easyeda 1 year ago
Hello, this is really a bug feature, thank you for asking. We will take this issue seriously and fix it in the next version.
haidy_easyeda 1 year ago
Hello, we have fixed this issue, please try again. ![image.png](//
pommie 1 year ago
This is great, if I filter for QFN-28 I get, ![image.png](// This is as expected. However, if I don't care which QFN package I want I select additional filters and get, ![image.png](// Note, no results!!! How is this possible? Is the program ANDing the filters together so only devices with all three footprints are shown? But, thanks for trying.
pommie 1 year ago
I guess that filters should be ANDed together when in different catagories but ORed together when in the same catagory. To test this I selected various other things for my pic chip. This is the result, ![image.png](// It appears that no matter what I select in other catagories (except footprint) the result is always 7 devices. All with USB and 16k AND 8k of RAM. Sorry to be so pedantic but this doesn't help me and is still severly flawed.
pommie 1 year ago
Looks like the answer to my question - "Can we get the filters in Place(P) fixed?" is "NO".
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