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Auto router down?
239 2
jpwolfe31 11 months ago
A new user and have really enjoyed EasyEDA.  I have ordered several boards to date.  I noticed many people do not like the auto router but I find it works great for the relatively simple low speed digital stuff I do.  I was not able to get much done today since the auto router does not connect.  Any updates on what is going on with the auto router.  I hope EasyEDA understands how helpful this is and maintains and continues to invest in this functionality.
haidy_easyeda 11 months ago
Hello, about the router problem, you can have a look at this tutorial, I hope to help you ~[EasyEDA Tutorial]( you can use a local auto-router or check if your cloud network is down.
UserSupport 10 months ago
Hi any images? mostly the PCB has special chartaters of net name and unclosed board outline will make the auto route failed
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