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[Solved-ish] Auto-router not using MY Design Rules
884 2
mrtom528 4 years ago
When using the Auto-router it fails with the 'Track width cannot be less than.....' error of which I'm aware is briefly documented in the tutorials. I have created a new set of 'JLCPCB' Design Rules, (I assume these are minimum values?), and assigned them to the nets in the [test] project: ![DRC_ERROR_00.png](// This works fine for manual routing but unfortunately the Auto-router appears to resort to the default Design Rules and throws the error: ![DRC_ERROR_01.png](// You can see from the values entered that these are well within MY design rules, but indeed do fail with the default....which isn't assigned to anything. I had a quick look in the source file and although the values appear to be in imperial and also 10 times smaller than expected they do appear to be correctly saved. Is this a known issue or do I have to assign my rules somewhere else too? Thank-you. Regards.
Henrik Larsen 4 years ago
Also see this: [](
mrtom528 4 years ago
@Henrik Thank-you, yes I've kept an eye on that. To be honest I have never used, nor probably ever will use, any form of auto-router, I have only done so recently just to try and help out those that do. Auto-routers are just too unpredictable to be incorporated into any workflow. That said, when this one works I find it pretty good, the problem is getting it to work....consistently and predictably. I think the reply from UserSupport in [Autorouter Not Functional]( defines without doubt the current status of the Auto-router. The problem I mentioned above seems to be an error in the format of the json files. From the documentation: > Parameters Dimensions > EasyEDA > support millimeter, inch and millimeter, but when these items are stored > to a file, all of them will be expressed as 10X mil This is a little misleading as it implies the values are already 10 times thier actual value whereas in reality they are expressed as 1/10 their true value and should be read as '10x\'. For example 5 mil is expressed as 0.5 so should be read as 10x0.5. Unfortunately the above 'all of them will be expressed' statement doesn't appear to hold true for the values entered into the Auto-router, these appear to be stored in the global unit value, which for me this was millimeters. There is an entry for the global unit value but I don't know if this is taken into account. An example of the json code relating to the above images shows the Auto-router values to NOT be in mil, which is why I think the Auto-router throws the error. If I change the global unit value to 'mil' and enter mil values into the Auto Router Config then it doesn't throw the error. Looking at the json file shows that all values are now stored as mil units. **MY Design Rules: (Stored correctly in mil)**     "JLCPCB": {       "trackWidth": 0.5118,       "clearance": 0.5118,       "viaHoleDiameter": 1.7717,       "viaHoleD": 0.5118, **Auto Router Config Values (Incorrectly stored as mm?)**   "routerRule": {     "unit": "mm",     "trackWidth": 0.2,     "trackClearance": 0.2,     "viaHoleD": 0.2,     "viaDiameter": 0.45, You can see that should the 'routerRule' trackWidth value be read as mils then it means the width would be 2 mils or 0.05mm, which means the error is correct, it is WAY lower than any design rule, but in reality 0.2mm is well within either design rule. Thats what I reckon is happening anyway, possibly. Bottom line is, don't use the Auto-router.....yet. Regards.
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