Auto Routing the Easy Way
I have looked on the forum but nothing (perhaps nothing, its a big forum) is said that the auto router usually never works properly. I nearly always get "Track to Track" and "Track to Pad" errors. The bigger the project the more likely.
Okay, I can edit these errors or just rerun until I get a good or nearly good result.
I am sure this puts a lot of unnecessary traffic on the EasyEDA server.
**The Easy Way**
1. Do what you usually do and get your first pass PCB (turn off copper
fill for the time being).
2. Instead of editing the tracks to clear the errors, just delete the
worst offending tracks (you know, the crazy ones).
3. Update the DRC error occasionally to avoid looking at deleted
errors (it also make the list shorter and gives you hope!).
4. All errors cleared? Check the PCB for floating tracks and vias (delete
them), while your at it clean up any truly awful tracks (you know,
the crazy ones).
5. All good? Then **turn off the Rip Up Nets** and rerun the auto router
(it will not take very long this time).
6. Repeat (usually not that many times) until all good.
Regards AlanC