You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Autologout causes problems in EasyEDA
1065 4
lynxlabeling 6 years ago
When the editor (schematic or PCB) is open long enough for the user to be logged out automatically, there is no visual indication (when there should be). Then, when the user attempts to do anything, an alert requesting the user to login comes up, but there is no way to do that from the editor page, because the user dropdown still shows the user logged in. Thus, when the user gets logged out, he clicks on the page, and gets an alert to login. He then has to log out, then log in, which then opens an entirely new tab. This is a lot of steps and a hassle since a new tab gets opened. What should happen: Click on the page when logged out should redirect to a login page (or better - reveal a login panel within the web page). After logging in, page is redirected back to the editor page (or login panel hidden again). Also, the user avatar should reflect the editor page being logged out whenever automatic logout occurs.
UserSupport 6 years ago
Normally,It will redirect back to editor, can you try at Chrome or Firefox?
lynxlabeling 6 years ago
@UserSupport I just tried in Chrome and when attempting to edit after it logs out, the error "Permission denied" is shown. The UI still shows me logged in. So, basically the same problem.
UserSupport 6 years ago
Hi The editor logout will stay on the editor, it is normal.
lynxlabeling 6 years ago
That is not what I am saying. When a user is logged out, it should say so in the upper-right user menu. It still shows the user logged in when he is logged out. When trying to edit something in the editor when logged out, it gives the error "Permission denied". It should open a login page on the same page, and then close the pane once logged in again.
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