I'm hoping EasyEDA has an automated solution for my request and that I have simply overlooked it. My request should be a common need by many users.
I have components on power and ground nets that have different current demands (e.g., device power - and - pulling signal lines high or low). My "hack" solution is to create two separate nets, route the heavy load net with fat wires and the low load net with default wires. I provide extra pads into which I solder a wire jumper to connect the nets.
I can't just route everything "fat" - there will not be enough room. If I route everything "default" then selectively change segments to "fat" I will run into technical problems/roadblocks, and lots of segments will need manual update.
What I would like to be able to do is have a method to tell the router to draw the wires in the two nets with their specified thicknesses - but when done then connect the two nets. This would avoid the need for a manual "fix". An even more elegant process would be to route the fat net first, then connect all the individual default net connections to the fat net wherever it was most convenient.
It would seem that a fully automated solution similar to what I describe should be achievable.
Best Regards,
Ron Brinkman
![Schematicsm.jpg](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/LTZi9sUzdIAwlGOO6qfDBhoQTl7OwuIpJZKzk80M.jpeg) ![PCBsm.jpg](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/5qvSelvlmLsFGHEXTMKLRqkibTr0JIIjwb4nU318.jpeg)