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Automatic fattening of tracks
779 2
MikeDB 6 years ago
It would be good if one could select a track and then hit a menu item and the track was automatically widened (and thinned where necessary) along it's whole length to meet the definied track spacing for that track.  Obviously you wouldn't do this for signal lines but it gives the track the lowest resistance and best power handling capability for power lines.
andyfierman 6 years ago
Do you mean that the width would increase or decrease as necessary along the whole track so that it fills the space available? Would you not have to set a minimum width so that you did not accidentally create a fusible link at the longest and narrowest point? :)
MikeDB 6 years ago
Yes - good point, although of course it should never go below the minimum allowed track width anyway.  But as you've already routed the track, probably by hand, it should have passed the DRC checks before you select this option anyway so tracks should just get thicker.   Maybe delete the thinning of tracks as people might use it as an 'easy' way to pass DRC :-)
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