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Autorouter Not Functional
598 2
cjohnson 4 years ago
While trying to put together an example project for this bug: []( I've come across issues with the AutoRouter. I've tried running it locally and in the cloud. When ran in the cloud it runs for about a minute with no progress at all then gives the "due to limitations of the server, multiple instances cannot be run" message. Very similar to @rafaelh96 issue in this case: []( When ran locally it attempts to run the same trace ~20 times (over itself) then the command window shows connection closed and it stops progressing (still shows 0% the entire time) ![image.png](// ![image.png](//
cjohnson 4 years ago
@UserSupport ??
UserSupport 4 years ago
Auto router is not good enough, suggest routing manually, recommed "Routing Confilct - TrackArroud" at the right-hand panel. Sometimes, if you can't get it done, try the tips below. \- Make sure the net of PCB doesn't contain the special charaters\, such as  ; \~ \ / \[ \] =  etc\. the chrarter \- and \_ are supported\. \- Make sure the board oultine is closed\, doesn't has board oultine overlap situation\. \- Make sure there are no DRC cleance errors \(short circuit issue\)\, such as two different network pads overlapping\, or different net pads in the same location within the package\. \- Make sure no footprint outside the board outline\. \- Use local auto router rather than cloud server\. \- Make sure PCB rule doesn't have 3 decimal places\, EasyEDA auto router only support 2 decimal places\. \- Skip the GND nets\, add copper area to GND net\. \- Use small tracks and small clearance\, but make sure the value is more than 6mil\. \- Route some key tracks manually before auto routing and ignore them when auto routing\. \- Add more layers\, 4 layers or 6 layers\. but that will make more cost\. \- Change the components layout\, make them have more space between each other\. \- Don't make any via/pad overlap the different objects which can be set the net\. \- Stop the auto\-router\, close the script\, and re\-open the script to run local auto\-router server again\. \- Sometimes\, The auto\-router won't work at the first time\, please modify the layout and try serveral times\. if it still fail, suggest routing manually, it is not good enough, we will write a new one in the future, but now we need to develop some features first, there is no plan yet.
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