You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Autorouter - Not local
325 2
SDPARKES1 1 year ago
Hi, I'd like to use the "local" autorouter, but not on the machine I am using easyeda as I'll like to just leave it running on a Linux server I have sat in a cupboard. is this possible, if so, how please
SDPARKES1 1 year ago
Figured it out.. In your easyeda Router folder, goto the **_config/local_** directory.. Edit the file _**main.json**_ change the line ``` "ip": "", ``` to ``` "ip": "", ``` I use a screen session and run the autoirouter in that, but whatever your chosen method, start the autorouter. <br> I'm running EasyEDA on a Windows machine so I need to forward the local port 3597 to the remote machine running the autorouter ( do this command in an Administrator Command Prompt) <br> ``` netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress= listenport=3579 connectaddress= connectport=3579 ``` Fire up easyeda, and look at the autorouter and you should see the local being available, even thought it's running on a different machine. Hope this is helpful to someone
andyfierman 1 year ago
@sdparkes1, Thanks for sharing this info.
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