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Autorouter - completing traces manually?
622 3
Peter Costanza 4 years ago
So after having numerous alignment issue trying double sided DIY PCB, I decided to try single sided (bottom layer). Autorouter completes to 93%, I'm left with a few traces to connect manually so, I added pads close to the ratlines then tried to route them manually but this doesn't seem to work. Can this be done by adding pads or vias to complete the ratlines then using jumpers on top layer? or is there some other way to go about this? thanks
andyfierman 4 years ago
This post might help you understand  how to connect your tracks to pads: [https://easyeda\.com/forum/topic/How\_does\_the\_Connect\_Pad\_to\_Pad\_tool\_work\_\-JgQO0Ay7H](
andyfierman 4 years ago
Basically anything copper that needs to be connected together on a net has to be assigned the same net name.
Peter Costanza 4 years ago
I got it now, thanks
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