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Autorouter do not respect no connect flag
802 1
Henrik Larsen 5 years ago
The Auto router fails to avoid pins where the Schematic has that pin marked with "no connect flag". The effect is that traces and vias are placed so they cut through those pins on the PCB. As far as I'm aware, schematic design requires all pins to be connected or have no connect flag. But, even if a pin is marked with no connect, it still may have signals. But, I also need to stop the Auto routerin its works, because it cannot finish my design. I get Auto router timeout on my design, but I also get these errors constantly. Simplex.cutout_from: division line is null Simplex\.calc\_division\_lines: division not found Simplex.cutout_from: division line is null Simplex\.calc\_division\_lines: division not found So I cannot say exactly which error is the culprit here... Using auto router version 0.8.1 Please make some work on the auto router.
Henrik Larsen 5 years ago
I just updated my auto router code to 0.8.11, and still get errors as descriped above. The newest Autorouter does not finish layout, and leaves the job half done and therefore not usable at all. I need to know where and why the autorouter runs into trouble, instead of a blackbox as it is right now. I need more control over which layers should be used for what. Inner layers are usually thinner, and should primarely be used for signals. I need more control over routing power and ground lines before signals. Maybe an option to select in which order to route each named design rule.
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