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Autorouter needs "Select nets" instead of "Skip nets"
1180 3
Henrik Larsen 5 years ago
The Autorouter works quite well, but sometimes I need to let the Autorouter route some nets first. For example, this could be nets with high currents I want to prioritize to get shortest path. This is where it becomes a hassle to use the Autorouter. If I want to route some specific nets first, I have to pick all other nets to skip these. Using the UI in the "Skip Nets" dialog pane to do this, is a pain. Please come up with something more user friendly. What about listing all nets sorted by name and grouped by design rules, each net and group with a checkbox, The entire list, each group or each net could be checked or unchecked, so to let the user select or deselect at will. Default would be all to be selected. This would replace the quickly implemented dropdown picking dialog, This would be a UI fix only, the parameter set for the autorouter would be unchanged I guess, But I have also seen the Autorouter go faulty when "skip nets" is heavily used to route specific nets before others. It seems to loose some nets, even if they are not in the skipped list.
UserSupport 5 years ago
Hi Suggest routing the net which you want by manually. The mostly options are need to skip nets.
Henrik Larsen 5 years ago
Hi, EasyEDA has an autorouter that is working fine and can already do what I suggest, except not because of the cheap UI. Why should we not be able to use it to its fullest. In my PCB, I have quite many high current nets I want to route first, and then many signal to route lines after that. I dont care how they are routed, if just the high current nets are prioritized. Its really a hazzle to redo routing every time I have to update the schematic. But, importantly, Its also easier to share projects with coworkers, if autorouting could have setups as well. If my suggestion could be implemented it would save many hours of manual routing, and the hassle of rerouting when moving components around or after updating the schematic. Just let us save lists of grouped nets to route in specific order.
Kai Chun Chou 4 years ago
Hi, Has the feature mentioned above being added yet? Or the team doesn't plan to add such a feature? Thanks.
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