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Autorouter not functional / stuck at zero or low percent: workaround for local autorouter only.
1969 2
andyfierman 4 years ago
There have been several posts about the Autorouter not completing routing and getting stuck at some low (sometimes even zero) percent completion. Someone about 8 months ago reported something similar to this problem and suggested a workaround: []( but the problem still appears and since then I had forgotten all about it. In a topic with someone else recently, I rediscovered this workaround to get the local autorouter to complete but I cannot find the topic this was in. **Anyhow here is the workaround again (edited to clarify run the autorouter rather than start the script):** 1. Run the **local** autorouter (Route > Autorouter) and then once that has started; 2. run a **second** instance of the **local** autorouter, it will then route the board! Once it completes you can close the completion message and the warnings about "cannot start another instance of the autorouter..." Note that this trick does not work when using the cloud autorouter. * Please fix this problem with the local autorouter.
mrtom528 4 years ago
Thanks andyfierman, this seems to work really well. (And if it doesn't then your 'Set Board Outline' trick usually sorts it out) At first I thought you meant to start another instance of the local router, which you cannot do, not on Win 10 anyway, but then it dawned on me that you meant run the Auto-Router from Route > Auto Router and then while thats still calculating to run it again. Bit of a face palm moment for me there. I had discovered earlier that manually routing just one track and _then_ running the Auto-Router also seemed to work. It appears that running the Auto-Router twice is the same deal, as for me the first time appears to stop after it has completed just one track. Thanks again. Regards.
andyfierman 4 years ago
@mrtom528, Thanks for that: I have edited my post to clarify. :)
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