You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Autorouter not working with .dxf imported board shape
524 5
Robert Buckfield 5 years ago
I have a project which needs a special shape PCB, I've drawn this with Turbocad and imported the shape .dxf to the Board Outline layer. When running the autorouter (Local) it doesn't do anything. If I use a conventional rectangular board all is well. Any ideas what is wrong.Thanks. Edit, I've made the project (Fan Controller) public so anyone can have a peep but not sure how you get at it!
andyfierman 5 years ago
The easiest way to give people access to your shared project is to post the url to it which you can find via the Share button: ![image.png](//
andyfierman 5 years ago
Not sure what's going on but I can't get the autorouter to run on your PCB with either the original or a replacement rectangular outline. I tried running the cloud autorouter on a very simple board with just three resistors connected in series and that took over a minute! I haven't tried the local version. BTW: a minor point but for clarity, you might want to move the silkscreen prefixes so that they are outside the footprint outlines and not overlapping things.
Robert Buckfield 5 years ago
Hi Andy, thanks for the advice re sharing, here is the link, []( I hope! I gave up trying to use the on-line autorouter as it seemed to take forever even on fairly simple designs. I thought the local one would work better and with 2 other boards I've created it does indeed work very well. I just now tried again with this and again it fails with the shaped board outline but works ok if I change it to s simple rectangle. This is never going to work for me as it has to fit into the base of a ceiling fan. If no-one on the forum has any ideas is there a way I can direct the issue to the developers? Once again thanks for your help, I'm new to EasyEDA and so far atleast I prefer it's simplicity over DesignSpark which I've been using before.
UserSupport 5 years ago
Hi Issue confirmed,we are fixing it now.
Robert Buckfield 5 years ago
@UserSupport Tried the new v0.8 autorouter and it seems to work just fine, thank you!
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