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Autorouter seems to get stuck on clearance problems
743 2
Henrik Larsen 5 years ago
Hi, I have noticed several times that the Autorouter cannot finish routing a PCB, when clearance settings are in conflict with footprint distances vs. specified track width. Autorouter just dont fiish and get stuck on the last few pads not being routed. Ex. A PWR net is specified to be 60mil, and PCB is laid out with SMD components. Then some tracks just wont fit the SMD pads. Then the Autorouter will hang on these. Usually the small SMD components just need a thinner track, since they are usually low current components. I would like the Autorouter to finish laying out even if there are clearance problems, or alternatively let me specify the the track from PWR net to this particular component is valid for a thinner track.
Yancho Zapryanov 5 years ago
And I noticed that sometimes the autorouter creates several tracks on top of each other. Consideration should also be given to linking the tracks to an part with a smaller pad with smaller with track. Sorry for my bad english
Yancho Zapryanov 5 years ago
@yanzappa And images ![tracks on top of each other](// ![end of track to smd part](//
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