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Autorouter skip manually placed vias
901 3
goatzilla 8 months ago
Can we get the autorouter to not rip up manually placed vias?  This seems to be kind of a critical missing feature. There are a lot of cases where strategically placed vias make life easier on the autorouter. Easy example would be this solder jumper. ![Screenshot 2023-11-02 3.18.37 PM.png](// No, modifying the footprint isn't always the right choice.  This works on more than just solder jumpers.
haidy_easyeda 8 months ago
Hello, at present, the Auto Route function of our standard version does not include vias. The Auto Route will intelligently determine whether to add vias. If the system thinks that no vias are needed, it will cancel all the vias you add.If you really need to place vias, then manually adjust them yourself after you complete the Auto Route.
goatzilla 8 months ago
I'm pretty sure the auto route cannot intelligently route that solder jumper.  Also pretty sure the system doesn't "think" about the vias.  It just deletes them if they're not on a skipped net and then starts. It's a hole with copper in it connected to a net.  If I manually placed that hole, it probably needs to stay. If I call that hole a "pad", it stays, but if I call that hole a "via" the autorouter deletes it without thinking? The whole idea is to help the autorouter.  There seems to be some conceptual baggage here that exists for no reason.
haidy_easyeda 8 months ago
@goatzilla Currently our automatic routing feature will remove the manually placed "via". We will consider whether to correct this problem. Thank you very much for your suggestion.
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