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Autorouter weak?
2480 11
jeroenst 5 years ago
When I use the autorouter functionality, most of the times it doesn't even start. When moving a component 1mm sometimes the routing suddenly works. Also very often it can't complete the routing, altough the solution is very simple (I can do it by hand in 5 seconds when I stop the autorouting)/ Am I doing something wrong or is the autorouting very weak? Settings: General Clearance : 2mm (because of 230 volt) Track width: 0,5mm 1 bottom layer
Comments 5 years ago
Hi, I experience the same issues. Would be glad to hear from EasyEDA what the problem is...
Joseph Massimino 5 years ago
Load the autorouter to run on your PC local, whe you bring up the auto router you will see that there is a choice to run local. The autorouter is started from a batch file that will be in the files you download, just search for Local Autorouting.  I am using a PC, if you have Linux, or a Mac, I don't remember if there were other options.
UserSupport 5 years ago
@joe.massimino Yes, the auto-router is not good enough, we will fix it at v6.1 Sometimes, if you can't get it done, try the tips below. -Use local auto router rather than cloud server. -Make sure PCB rule doesn't have 3 decimal places, EasyEDA only support 2 decimal places. -Skip the GND nets, add copper area to GND net. -Use small tracks and small clearance, but make sure the value is more than 6mil. -Route some key tracks manually before auto routing and ignore them when auto routing. -Add more layers, 4 layers or 6 layers. -Change the components layout, make them have more space between each other. -Don't make any via/pad overlap the different objects which can be set the net. -Stop the auto-router, close the script, and re-open the script to run local auto-router server again. -Sometimes, The auto-router won't work at the first time, please modify the layout and try serveral times.
prefour 5 years ago
Hello, Iḿ using the local autorouter in ubuntu 18.04 linux workstation and as a green "PCB trainee" Iḿ happy enough with the router even though the router is sometimes a little bit uneducated, but  i still like it because it has \- endless energy to do the quality checks I have defined for routing purposes -  when running it as local installation it is fast (enough) and even in 10 seconds I know weather it is going to get 100% or not -  I  run it like a software code debugger with not too many changes before I execute the autorouter \- Key learning is that not too many changes before running it \- undo button is also great in stepping backwards even sometimes a little bit slow (  i advice support to check the cache  handling that undo would be slightly faster) \- make version control of  development versions that a step back is easy if autorouter fails and you do not have idea where the truble is \- save file after the autorouter have finalized 100%  completed  and  then do changes -  i have punished me and I do conventional approach that components are on the other side and pcb film area is on the other side  (2 side approach only). \- it is too easy if I add more layers \.\.\.\.\. Advice two is that i put some "mine fields" to areas where I do not want the routing to happen - like installation area for mechanical parts  or  to force  that a route curve needs to happen exactly where I want Iḿ looking forward to the new version in v6.1,  but the current one is life saver for me as a fresh designer. Thanks that it exist  even as it is now ! But as another topic I would like to see one forum entry that lists the "whats new in the latest upgraded version"  . Keep up the good work !
prefour 5 years ago
BUG REPORT  TO SUPPORT: 1\. when I force as a command to auto router  a width definition 1 for one route  and  If I cancel the autorouting  I really mean  that the given  value 1 is not lost because I need to iterate  width values and I know  that auto router will not finalize   because it takes too much time and no 100%  achieved.  Now new value is lost and I need to repeat it many times.  System loses given value is the error. 2.   Auto router setting  "do not route multi - layer"  means  that i set it like permanent  and  It is me that make the change when I do not need it any more. It is very much likely that when I  un-tick   (x)   I need it that way many times. Now there is unnecessary un-ticking   that  only  bottom routing happen. My earlier fully auto routed result  and  no  DRC  errors  exist is not   any more  there and  now I  get to 99%. My wish would be that system  shows more clearly  why the last 1%  is pending.  OR  if  I cancel  auto router  then in my manual user driven DRC check  should show me where improivements are needed.
jeroenst 5 years ago
Thanx for all the comments. FYI, I'm running the autorouter with a local server. For now I do the routing partly automated and partly by hand with gives me a good result for now. I hope autorouter once becomes better.
jeroenst 5 years ago
Now I have some more experience with autorouter, some things that are the autorouter prohibiting from working are: \- Clearance between pins of a component is less then configured clearance for net \- Components outside board It would be nice if autorouter would show an error message in case of these errors instead of trying forever.
andyfierman 5 years ago
@jeroenst, But surely both of these situations are nothing to do with the Autorouter? "- Clearance between pins of a component is less then configured clearance for net" AFAIK the Autorouter is not yet advanced enough to be able to automatically neck down tracks to fit between narrow spacings.  Therefore this comes down to a combination of your choice of components and your awareness of pin and component spacings before choosing routing widths. "- Components outside board" This is your responsibility to check that all PCB footprints are created such that their pads are - and that they are placed correctly - within the Board outline. Although this is not good practice, PCB footprint silkscreen outlines and keepout areas can overhang the edges of the Board Outline but obviously pads, by definition must be within the board outline.
Heath @ Apprehend 5 years ago
I have finally found a way to see where the autorouter fails.  Turn off visibility of the copper layers, and you will see the ratlines for the connections that failed.  From there, you can manually route or rearrange your components.
andyfierman 5 years ago
@heath_1457, Thanks for posting that.
michal2013 5 years ago
it needs to be a simple project like this![Opera Zdję](//
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