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Autorouter duplicates existing traces
1042 5
mesopcb 9 years ago
**BUG** Concise problem statement: My file where the autorouter has been run has each routed trace twice Steps to reproduce bug: 1. Create a PCB by autorouting 2. Run autorouter again with "rip up traces" NOT CHECKED 3. Results: Each trace will exist twice. This can only be seen by deleting an existing trace and noticing that it appears to still be there (a second copy). Also, by moving a trace endpoint at an angle, the other trace can be seen. Note that the only problem with this is that an extra trace (maybe more?) shows up when modifying an autorouted board. Expected results: No excess traces Browser: Firefox 41.0.2 This can be seen in my project 'Demonstrate Bugs' which I have shared with support. This is not a critical problem, but when modifying an autorouted board, it slows things down. I have not created a simple project to replicate this, but the doubled traces are visible in the board in the project, except for the wider traces which I manually redid. It appears that the autorouter was upgraded today. I did not notice this bug before the upgrade, but I didn't do much post-autoroutde board editing before, so I don't know if this is a new bug.
dillon 9 years ago
We just released a new autorouter, but we can't reproduce your problem. Yes this is a small problem, but we will try to kill it if we can find it. Thanks
mesopcb 9 years ago
Again, small problem. I wish I could tell you exactly how to reproduce it. Is it possible that it happened because the board had been laid out on the old autorouter, and then modified, then rerouted on the new?
koosjr 9 years ago
I had the same issue yesterday. Also worked on Autorouter but I cannot remember if "rip up nets" was deactivated. I actually think it was. There were many double traces. Right now, I am doing routing by hand. The autorouting was not very successful.
dillon 9 years ago
@koosjr We have found this problem, it comes from undo aftr autorouter !
koosjr 9 years ago
Thanks! Will try it out again.
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