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Autorouting causes arc traces to disappear
382 1
frank2644 1 year ago
I have several arc traces from the PCB Tools palette that I placed on my PCB and I am trying to connect them to various pads, other arcs, etc. I am able to add the necessary ratlines but after autorouting the arcs and ratlines disappear. Even those arcs that have no ratlines also disappear. Cntrl-Z restores the arcs and ratlines so at-least no work is lost. I tried manually adding tracks (hotkey W) but I can't get the track to attach to the arc. It stops very close but will not extend onto the arc. Same problem for circles. I've tried for hours to find a solution without success. Any help is appreciated. **EDIT: I just noticed that I have a lot of DRC clearance errors on these arcs. Apparently, the  ARCs are too close to other objects. So no need to reply to this question. I'll re-post the question if I still have the problem after clearing the DRC errors.** Thanks Frank
Markus_ee 1 year ago
Have you tried to lock the arcs? I just replied to another forum post about design locking: [](<br> <br> Maybe choosing the arcs and locking them would solve the problem? I did a quick test myself and the arc trace stays after autorouting. Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
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