You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
4527 5
reefhermit 9 years ago
How do I dimension an accurate (1 mm resolution)irregular board size? What I need is a tapered board from 40mm to 30mm. Thanks, Ken
andyfierman 9 years ago
Set your PCB canvas **Units** to `mm`; Select and make visible the **Board Outline** layer; Select **Track** from the PCB Tools palette (or use the 'W' Hotkey); Then draw your outline noting the XY co-ordinates of the starting point; To ensure that the outline is a closed polygon, make sure that the **last** point of the outline has exactly the same XY co-ordinates as the **starting** point. ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20151207/5664766e4bd8f.png
reefhermit 9 years ago
Ok, I created the board outline as you described above. When I do auto router I get "not a valid PCB" and "please create board outline first"?? FYI . . . The outline is in red!
dillon 9 years ago
Hi, I am sure you are not create a real board outline , it is not red, red is top layer. it is pink. ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20151207/5664cb7b93f08.png
reefhermit 9 years ago
Ok, You may want to modify your use of hotkey "W". This creates a red outline!
reefhermit 9 years ago
Never mind . . I see my error :)
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