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BOM and Pick And Place EasyEDA format export issues causing "Uploaded file format is incorrect" on JLCPCB SMT Assembly wizard
1895 8
simone.f 4 years ago
Hi guys, i've discovered an issue in BOM and Pick and Place files exported from EasyEda starting from the v6.3.39. Basically, the exported files are not well undestood from JLCPCB during SMT BOM and CPL upload wizard, giving the following error: ![Screenshot 2020-05-01 at 17.32.30.png](// I've tried everything (creating a new pcb, moving parts, using the web editor...) and after comparing an older exported BOM and P&P file i've found that the first header row of the .csv files starting from the v6.3.39 version have the double quote char, as you guys can see in the screenshot below: ![Screenshot 2020-05-01 at 19.13.53.png](// **The workaround:** I've solved the problem opening the BOM and Pick and Place files with a simple text editor (TextEdit on Mac) and removing the double quotes on the first row of the files, after that, i was able to proceed with regular file upload, part selection and complete the order! :) I Hope that the EasyEDA team will solve this bug ASAP.
andyfierman 4 years ago
I suspect that this is something to do with how the issue in this bug report: []( was fixed in version 6.3.22 and maybe has been broken again?
simone.f 4 years ago
Hi Andy, I suspect that is tightly related to the issue you linked. In any case, they report that easyeda uses the double quote to escape complex packages, names, etc...but i suspect that in the newer versions I've noticed that easyeda it's adding the double quotes to all fields of CSV...maybe a programming mistake?
DurandA 4 years ago
I got the same issue. Thank you @simone.f for sharing the workaround.
DurandA 4 years ago
I guess the service broke. Even BOM and Pick and Place files that were accepted 24h ago stopped working.
UserSupport 4 years ago
@simone.f @DurandA @simone.f Hi We adding the double quotes to head fields of CSV, it was treated as bug fixed in the new version. for CSV file format, contains quotes for head fields should be a correct format ( as before, only the head fields without double quotes), but this fix impact JLCPCB system, we didn't realize that JLCPCB was hard-coded the CSV head fields. Sorry for this issue. We will fix it soon, rollback the old format(fields without double quotes), at present, the best way is csv SAVE AS to xlsx, xls format to upload. it will release a new version ASAP
UserSupport 4 years ago
Hi All, it fixed at v6.3.41 Thank you
DurandA 4 years ago
@UserSupport Thanks for the reactive support. When will the v6.3.41 be released? My EasyEDA version is still 6.3.40.
simone.f 4 years ago
@UserSupport, @DurandA, i confirm that the issue is now solved, this afternoon the EasyEDA team released the V.6.3.41. Great! :)
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