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BOM not passing correctly to LCSC- Cannot Download
1417 8
RichardJarrett 5 years ago
Hi I have a BOM with a mixture of components. Some I want to have supplied by LCSC and some (thru-hole resistors) I have already. When I try to export the BOM, the components I have already do not have any manufacturer data, and I don't want to have to pick components. Some do not have a physically available component. ![image.png](// When I select "Export BOM/Order Components" I get passed to the LCSC site, but it doesn't show any BOM, components etc. Just a massive estimated total ![image.png](// Is the cross link broken? Can I export the BOM directly from EasyEDA as a CSV, XLS or TXT, without having to go through LCSC, in the same way I can output a PDF or DXF of the Schematic? Thanks R
MB-Industry 5 years ago
same problem...
UserSupport 5 years ago
Hi Sorry for this issue. will fix it ASAP
UserSupport 5 years ago
@MB-Industry Hi It fixed now.
wuqimei 5 years ago
Dear Friends, The problem has been fixed and the BOM export is normal now. We sincerely apologizes for the troubles caused. We just launched the LCSC new version on Oct 9th and the BOM export function has been affected when we updated some small features in yesterday. Besides, the BOM tool will be available soon in this week. Hope you can have a better BOM experience with LCSC then. For any questions and suggestions, please contact us at support at Thank you.
RichardJarrett 5 years ago
Thankyou for the lightning fast turn around on fixing this! Your support is better than for the "industry leading" Electronic Design Software that we use at work. R
RichardJarrett 5 years ago
Would it be possible to add function to get the BOM directly from EasyEDA?
andyfierman 5 years ago
+1 That feature used to exist and is pretty much essential for documentation and database purposes. :)
wuqimei 5 years ago
@RichardJarrett @andyfierman Yes we will add the feature to export BOM directly from EasyEDA. Thanks for your feedbacks.
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