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Behavioral Voltage Source possibly not working?
1410 3
hemdanw 4 years ago
Hi, I just started using EasyEDA a few days ago, and love the user experience. I am trying to use a behavioral voltage source to generate a chirp signal for a transient simulation. I got basic pulse and sin sources working properly; however, in the same setup, it seems that whatever I input for the value for a behavioral voltage source is ignored, including typing random characters... resuilting in an output of 0v. I have the same working properly in LTSpice, so I know I'm using the bevavioral source correctly. Below is a basic minimal test circuit to reproduce the issue. Note: EasyEDA default source setting "sin(1)" produces no output either, so seems like a bug... but maybe I'm doing something wrong. I tried a simpler test case, including "V=2", "=2", and just "2" to see if I can produce 2 volts, but none worked either. Then I tried random characters to see if it even looks at my input, and seems "Value" is being ignored. Thanks,    - Wael ![image.png](//
andyfierman 4 years ago
Before you do anything else, please read (3) in (2) in: []( Your choice of source and syntax in the expression for the B source is wrong. Firstly you have placed a V source not a B source. Secondly, to create your example signal, you just enter the expression: V=sin\(2\*pi\*time\*\(600k\+\(20k\+100\*time\)\)\) You will find the B sources in the Shift+F Search Libraries tool in Sim mode.
hemdanw 4 years ago
Hi, I did not realize there were different types of behavioral sources... After picking the correct one as you identified above, I got it working! Thanks for the quick response!    Wael
andyfierman 4 years ago
The V source is not a behavioural source it is an Independent Source because it's  output does not depend on any circuit conditions. Strictly there is only one type of Arbitrary Behavioural Source a.k.a. B or Dependent Source whose behaviour is defined by the type of expression assigned to it including whether it is a voltage (V=expression) or current source (I=expression). It is only for convenience that there are different spice symbols for the voltage and current versions. In LTspice there are other ways to use B sources for example as resistors or power sources. Have a read of the site for more insight on these uses. :)
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