I just started using EasyEDA a few days ago, and love the user experience.
I am trying to use a behavioral voltage source to generate a chirp signal for a transient simulation.
I got basic pulse and sin sources working properly; however, in the same setup, it seems that whatever I input for the value for a behavioral voltage source is ignored, including typing random characters... resuilting in an output of 0v.
I have the same working properly in LTSpice, so I know I'm using the bevavioral source correctly.
Below is a basic minimal test circuit to reproduce the issue.
Note: EasyEDA default source setting "sin(1)" produces no output either, so seems like a bug... but maybe I'm doing something wrong.
I tried a simpler test case, including "V=2", "=2", and just "2" to see if I can produce 2 volts, but none worked either.
Then I tried random characters to see if it even looks at my input, and seems "Value" is being ignored.
- Wael
