1. Slots appear to work well.
2. Consider changing the hole color from #000000 to #111111 now that it is possible to have slots without any border indicators. Without this, I could not find my NPTH slots since they have no border.
3. If I create a 75mil diameter hole and a 75mil diameter slot, the hole appears narrower than the slot.
![Hole vs Slot][1]
4. Angled slots were hard to create until I saw that the measurement tool gave angles.
5. I learned that if I want my NPTH slots to work well with copper pours, I needed to set the length and width of the "pad" to be equal to the size of the hole.
Pad H = 1, Pad W = 1
![NPTH vs Copper Pour 1][2]
Pad H = Slot H, Pad W = Slot W
![NPTH vs Copper Pour 2][3]
**I can't wait for this to be a full feature!**
[1]: http://i.imgur.com/W3CiVyu.png?1
[2]: http://i.imgur.com/kRHKcyy.png
[3]: http://i.imgur.com/Z36nwiV.png