For the last few day something happened with the LCSC parts, at least resistors and capacitors: the resistors are suddenly unsorted which makes it very difficult to search for! Previously, they were ordered by package size and resistor values. The SMD "general capacitors" list was suddenly cut down and lists less than 10 capacitors, where there should be thousands! Both issues are currently unresolved.
I'd like to suggest some additional features:
1. The ability to sort the parts table by clicking on the header, so parts can be sorted by package, values, voltages, etc.
2. The ability to filter by some of these columns, so we can only show 0805 components, etc.
3. The ability to filter by some value of the currently selected part. E.g. right-clicking on the current row in the parts table could offer "filter by current VALUE" and "filter by current PACKAGE", etc., so for example we easily search for all 10kOhm resistors of any size and manufacturer, etc.
EasyEDA is a great idea and a very useful project, thank you!