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Better track routing
986 1
masterfrogo 8 years ago
**Feature Request** Brief title for your desired feature: Better track routing How would you like the feature to work? There are many problem with routing track right now, which make routing track a pain and my though on how to fix it. 1.) You Can not tell which air-wire goes to what component? I would high-light(turn it white) the air-wire when selecting the components the air wire belong to. I would also make air-wire show up in the design manager. 2.) You Can not tell if the air-wire is for a component on top or bottom of the board. Make different color air-wire for components. (if you have a air-wire for two resistor that need to be connect on top of the board (use red color air-wire) and (if you have a air-wire for two resistor that need to be connect on Bottom of the board (use blue color air-wire). If you have a resistor on top and bottom use a dash red or blue. maybe both colors 3.) It to easy to move track instead of point. I keep trying to move a small portion of track around and the whole things keep moving or accidentally select a different object. I would do a few things. a.) I would put a lock button on the tool-bar which would prevent it from select a different component when editing and make a hot key for it. b.)I would make select segment easier by high-lighting and allow you to click the segment instead of the point(only work in lock mode) also allow you to move segment on the track with arrow keys. c.) I would a a junction bottom that would connect 2 track to gather at there nearest point. Why is this feature important to you? I spend lot of time trying to figure out where the air-wire are going I have air-wire yet show And i don't know why.
masterfrogo 8 years ago
After the conversation I had with technical support better handing of cooper area should be added to my list
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