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rmvansomeren 4 years ago
Hi all, I found another part which does not seem to be correct in the library. It looks like the pad sizes are not conform the datasheet on page 40: []( I had the same issue with the LSM303AGRTR, of which I posted a message in this forum earlier: []( My feeling is that I might see something not correctly. In both cases the pad sizes of the sensors in the LCSC library seem larger. Maybe it is done with a reason? How long will it generally take before these issues have been solved? Can someone maybe confirm the library parts are indeed not correct? Thank you for your help!
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
Hello ; If the part is made from some other users then you need to check it carefully and I do recommend you to check the parts footprint of all the components that you import from public libraries since everyone could make adjustments regarding its available datasheet and needs. All issues related to LCSC parts should be reported to LCSC team so them fix it if it is truly wrong. Please to check all the used components footprint as long as you are not the one who made them.
rmvansomeren 4 years ago
Thanks for your reply! All parts used are from the LCSC library. I reported the isues via the error report system. When will parts be updated cq adjusted?
andyfierman 4 years ago
@rmvansomeren, UserSupport will message you to let you know.
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