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Board Cutout gerber error
592 4
Andoni Conde 4 years ago
Hi everyone, In the 3d Viewer the board layout is OK. I added 4 cutouts in the corners and the 3D view shows perfectly how it should be. But when I upload the gerber to JLCPCB, OSHPARK, or other, the cutouts appear as solid regions. Pictures explain the issue by themselves. [PCBpictures]( Is there any other better way to do this cutouts? Thank you in advance.
deskpro256 4 years ago
Hi, have you tried generating the gerber again? Maybe it got corrupted during creation? Are those board cutouts or did you make the board outlines like that?
Andoni Conde 4 years ago
Hey @deskpro256 thanks for the tip! I've just fixed it using arcs instead of circles and setting them as board cutouts. This is a really powerful app, you just have to figure it out how to do things hahaha [Fixed Outline](
UserSupport 4 years ago
Can't accesss the image, can you post the image at this post?
Andoni Conde 4 years ago
@UserSupport for some reason I can't upload an image directly from my PC. Anyway the error is fixed know, thanks for your help!
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