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Board Outline - Manual Drawing
1949 10
cjohnson 5 years ago
I'm trying to draw a custom panel with plunge routes between the boards. Anytime I try to draw board outline within an outline, it changes the board dimension. Is this a bug or is there another way to draw custom panels? I cannot create the panel using the panelize tool, it's not possible. ![image.png](// ![image.png](// ![image.png](//
cjohnson 5 years ago
This is what I'm trying to create. I've done it before, but v6.1 of EasyEDA automatically changes the board layout size when a new board outline line is added. ![image.png](//
cjohnson 5 years ago
Sorry, forgot a few lines. This is what i'm actually trying to recreate. ![image.png](//
andyfierman 5 years ago
I can reproduce the problem although it is inconsistent: ![Board_outline_bug_190425.gif](// But here is a workaround: ![Board_outline_bug_workaround_190425.gif](//
cjohnson 5 years ago
Did you draw the top bard then just move it in to place? That's a great idea. I'll try that out!
cjohnson 5 years ago
![image.png](// It was tideous but hey it worked. Thanks! Hopefully this is fixed/changed/implemented differently in future updates. Like a "Automatically adjust board layout dimensions" option in system settings.
andyfierman 5 years ago
@cjohnson, "Did you draw the top bard then just move it in to place? That's a great idea. I'll try that out!" Exactly. :)
UserSupport 5 years ago
The panelize tool will auto fit the board outline, then you will see it will change automatically, you can use "solid region - board cutout "for instead of the board outline to cutout the board.
cjohnson 5 years ago
Hate to beat a dead horse here, but I believe this is actually a bug now. Latest version is having issues with panelization using the last suggested comment of "solid region - board cutout." Here's the layout: ![image.png](// Generated Gerbers, viewed in gerbview: ![image.png](// It's panelizing the board cutouts, I've tried panelizing before and after adding the cutouts and get the same result each time. It would be really nice to have these options in the panelize function, but for now I really just need a quick fix to get some boards ordered.
UserSupport 5 years ago
Hi Issue comfirmed, my bad, I forgot this situation, when generate the Gerber, the solid region - Board Cutout will convert to board outline in the Gerber file. then the editor make some copy for it. at present, please panelize manually withou Panelize tool. only panelize board outline will be good. if you want to copy and paste the objects, you can use CTRL+SHIFT+C, then CTRL+SHIFT+V
cjohnson 5 years ago
@UserSupport Alright I just finished doing this manually. I found an issue with the Distribute Array function while doing this. It might be just with board outlines, but it doesn't observe the Y start location or the Spacing on the rows.
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