You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Board Outline Not Closed
6931 20
zeke 9 years ago
I've lined up all my arcs and tracks in the board outline by x/y coords but when I try to build a copper area, it's says "board outline not closed". Any ideas?
dillon 9 years ago
Hi, It is not difficult to fix. If you use arc, maybe you type the x/y coords will issue a problem. You know same x/y can't form a arc, x/y can be a arc point. EasyEDA will check this later auto. NOw you can fix follow bellow step. When you build the copper area, EasyEDA will give a yellow 'X' to locale the point maybe have problem, you just need to adjust that point, move that arc point use your mouse a bit litter. ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20151211/566a266647a6a.png
zeke 9 years ago
I re-snapped the connection and the error msg is gone when I click rebuild copper area but nothing happens. I also noticed the copper area icon in the tool box doesn't have the gold center to it like the tutorial shows. Is that a problem? Thanx Dillon
dillon 9 years ago
>but nothing happens. Please set the copper area's net to right net name, the default is GND, maybe not right. Try set the `Keep Island` to YES. ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20151211/566a4d4fe3859.png
zeke 9 years ago
I had way too many DRC errors, got rid of all but 3 that I couldn't see anything wrong. The copper pour worked then. Thanx :)
dillon 9 years ago
---------- Hi, You need to check the net name, if the same tracks with diffirents net name, there will be Drc error. Or the items are too close.
zeke 9 years ago
Love this program, starting to figure it out! ![I think I crossed a trace somewhere! lol :D][1] [1]: /editor/20151211/566a7112e1875.gif
zeke 9 years ago
A few small quirks here and there in EasyEDA. The top right of the board has a TO-220 part that should say "7810". For some reason, during the print export, the 810 got dropped.
dillon 9 years ago
Nice Gif. Thanks.
dillon 9 years ago
Can you put a no gif file here? What to know what mean 810 drop. can you export the gerber files?
zeke 9 years ago
The "810" is missing. In the editor it shows correctly - "7810" ![missing silk][1] [1]: /editor/20151211/566a81b5ced95.png
dillon 9 years ago
using another opensource problem to export to image, we can't control this, a few time will show this error, but we will find a way to fix soon. Now you just need to set 7810's LineWidth a bit litter large, such as 9 or 10 mil.
zeke 9 years ago
Setting it to 9 mil worked, thank-you! ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20151211/566a86aeb539e.png
zeke 9 years ago
After I exported the PCB image from +EasyEDA, I cropped the board outline off and resized it to the ~ mil size of the board in photoshop. Printed it on some 80 pound card stock for a test fit. Like a glove I'd say! :D Another run through the nets to make sure then I'll be ready to do the final steps. ![pcb][1] [1]: /editor/20151212/566b37523b83e.jpg
dillon 9 years ago
Hi, Thanks for sharing. It seems EasyEDA really provide an easye way for DIYer.
zeke 9 years ago
Yep, agreed! Board ordered, I anxiously await it's arrival. :)
rbwilliams 9 years ago
I need help on this too. I am trying to build a PCB without schematic. How do I close off a rectangle. I tried ENTER, and ESC. ENTER does nothing, and ESC erases it. Thanks.
rbwilliams 9 years ago
Do I place "copper area" first? I thought I used "track"?
dillon 9 years ago
@Rbwilliams. Track and Arc are both OK. just note the end point should be close the start point. You would better to create board outline first, then place copper area. If you create PCB with out schematic, you must be careful that the copper area's net is right. maybe you has not a GND net. Please set the copper area's net to right net name, the default is GND, maybe not right. Try set the Keep Island to YES. If you can share an image like Zeke, we can find your problem very quickly.
andyfierman 9 years ago
To draw a board outline, set the active layer to Board Outline and then use the **Track** tool from the PCB Tools palette (or press the `W` key). For help on how to close a board outline please Dillon's post at the top of this thread. Whether starting from a schematic or going straight into a PCB, The usual way to lay out a PCB is: 1) Start with the board outline; 2) Place the components; 3) Route the copper tracks (give them netnames to help identify what they are); 4) Draw any copper area outlines as required and set their netnames to the appropriate nets; 5) Rebuild the copper areas (remember to make them visible); 6) Adjust/edit the layout as necessary. 7) Check; 8) Check; 9) Check. Note that it is usually better to start with a schematic and then pass that through into PCB layout. :)
zeke 9 years ago
Set the grid snap to yes and try dragging the vertice pin off and back on again to get it to re-snap together. Worked for me. :)
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